After years of saving, Sudarshan was going to buy his first hatchback car. He had accumulated enough money to fulfill his dream of owning a car. Finally, his dream was […]
Nomination is such an important aspect of investments, yet too many people take it lightly. Enough attention and seriousness is not provided whenever an investment advisor asks, ‘who would you […]
There is a very high probability that next generation especially in metro cities would not understand their day to day life without cars. Right from being a luxury (when they […]
Earlier, insurance policies were issued in physical mode only, irrespective of whether a policyholder submits a proposal in physical form or online. Further, the policyholder was required to go to […]
Marginal Cost of funds-based Lending Rate (MCLR)On December 17, 2015, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued final guidelines on computing interest rates on advances based on the marginal […]
Image Courtesy : Like many other things, the way you want to manage your finances and assets also changes after marriage. One of the important aspects of this is […]
An existing or prospective mutual fund investor may not remember the name of the scheme he has invested into. But surely would remember the disclaimer declared in every communication […]
Santa Banta discussing Fed Rate Santa: I have been hearing a lot about Fed Rate hike recently. What is this Fed Rate? Why is there a hike now? How was […]
Time and again technology has played a major factor in reducing human effort and paper work. Lot of human efforts had been saved when filing Income Tax returns was done […]
People resolve to increase savings and cutting down on expenses is the first logical step to do that. But the problem is most people don’t know where to start. They […]